A letter from Pastor Aaron

Welcome to a brand new year! 2023 — a year of vision and clarity. For some, 2019 was a great year, one they enjoyed, and for others, they couldn't see it end quick enough. Whether you fall into the former or the latter, we all have an opportunity to embrace a new year with new hopes, dreams, and expectations. As we begin this journey of a new year together as a church family, I would like to encourage a couple of things.  

First, read God's Word daily. I cannot stress the importance of that enough. God's Word is our source of strength and nourishment for everything we will face this year. It is a foundation of truth to keep you secure and firm in a world full of storms. I read the One Year Bible reading plan you can find on our church app.

Read Plan

Second, begin the year fasting a combination of your body and soul to strengthen your spirit. We have a corporate fast for 21 Days, January 8-29. If you listen to last weekend's message online on our app, website, or youtube, I taught on what fasting is, how, and why.

Watch Message

Third, join us for prayer during our 21 Day season, January 8-29. We will begin this Saturday at 9 am then meet Monday - Friday each week at 630 am and again on Saturdays at 9 am. We will conclude on January 24th with a Night of Worship.

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Most of us pray with a list of things we want from God. My approach to this is always Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." If we put His Kingdom and His Righteousness first, it is incredible how we position ourselves to receive what we believe God for on our list.

To do this practically, I pray:

  • I will understand more deeply God's incredible love and grace for me.

  • I will let the Holy Spirit convince me I am righteous because of what Jesus has done for me, not what I do for Him.

  • I will receive and live in the gift of forgiveness that has been given me by Christ.

With that said, here is the list I'm praying for this year:

  1. Strengthen, redeem, and enrich the marriages of our church — through our Marriage Small Groups. John 13:35 says, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another." Our purpose is evangelism, so when husbands and wives' love each other with Christ's love, it becomes exceptionally evangelistic for the Kingdom.

  2. Coastline Dream Center — We took baby steps in 2019 to see this become a reality and ending the year inspired by Season of Compassion and the impact of our Dream Center vision. During 2020 we want to see more as we believe God can use us in more significant ways to be His Hands and Feet to a hurting world bringing hope and love.

  3. First Coastline Campus — By the end of 2023, we would like to identify the location and team for our First Coastline Campus. We believe God has mandated us to be a growing church for His Glory. Planting new churches and new campuses are the most effective method in America today for winning lost people to Christ. Acts 16:5, "So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers."

  4. Foster Care Intervention — James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…" We have a chance to intervene and keep kids from becoming modern-day orphans. In 2019 we helped our first family. In 2023, our goal is to help one family a month.

  5. Coastline Dream Center in Mexico — God has given us a strategic location and opportunity to allow the blessing of our life in North County to overflow in heartfelt ministry for the Kingdom in Mexico. Genesis 12:2, "…I will bless you… and you will be a blessing." We are adopting one Colonial at a time, bringing the transformation of the Gospel to a group of people in desperate need of it.

  6. God has given our church a specialty in bringing freedom and health in the area of sexual purity. We live in a world of a sexual brokenness that is destroying people and families. We are taking a stand with God's Grace to see a significant change. Romans 5:17, "For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!"

  7. Women's Groups and Events — Our desire is a church environment where everyone has a place to use their God-given leadership gifts and be strengthened to serve in their calling to make a difference. Through groups and strategic events, we want to see more women in leadership in various areas of our church, along with a thriving community of women empowered in their God-given purpose. We are also explicitly praying for our first-ever Women's Conference in 2020 to inspire, equip, and release women for the Kingdom!

  8. Men's Groups and Events — We love that at Coastline, our church attendance, dream team, and leadership is equally mixed between men and women. This mix speaks to the high level of engagement the men of Coastline have. We want to build on that foundation of providing a place men love to connect and grow.

  9. Student Ministry — We have a goal by the end of 2023 to see our Family Center packed with students every month worshiping God and bringing their friends into a relationship with God and the Church. We want to be a catalytic lighthouse in North County, where students passionately live out their faith.

  10. Kid's Ministry — We transitioned this year into a permanent facility for children with our new building, we want to strengthen and double our Coastline Kid's Dream Team to provide an environment for children where they can connect with God in a kid-friendly way. We want children to love coming to church and want to bring their friends. The Dream Team is the catalyst to create that environment as children have the same need as all of us to be known, heard, loved, and discipled.

  11. Worship Experience — We want to see an electric, passionate worship experience in all of our primary services each weekend by utilizing all forms of creativity and musical expression. By the end of 2023, we believe the worship experience will be full of people worshiping in a concert-like atmosphere, with people filling the front of the stage area, authentically encountering God and giving Him all the glory. 

  12. Create the Operational Systems to actively disciple 2,000 people as a church by the end of 2023. We believe growth is a by-product of health, and God desires to see our church grow for His Glory. We don't set numeric goals; we create systems that provide healthy discipleship and let God bring the people.

  13. PHASE 2 Construction — We want to begin the planning for building out our Worship Center to 400 seats, a bathroom suite connected to our cafe, and a more extensive, themed playground in place of our existing field. This phase will finish out our Calle Barcelona Campus providing the foundation for future vision and campuses. 

  14. Pay Off Debt — God can go above and beyond what we can dream of or pray. I believe in the middle of building and expanding; we can also reduce our debt at the same time. Being debt-free will strengthen our position to allow us to capitalize on opportunities God presents us.

  15. Freedom Groups — One of the hallmarks of our Church is Freedom that has historically and continues to make a significant impact on people's faith journeys. God is also using our church as a training center for other churches to learn Freedom. We want to keep this essential component of our church strong and healthy. I am praying for steady growth as we get better and stronger in this area.

  16. Coastline Groups — We believe church happens in public gatherings and home to home fellowship. We need both and the New Testament models for our spiritual health and growth. Our goal is 1 group per every 10 attendees. Pray that we can maintain proper ratios as God blesses our church, and we continue to grow.

  17. Growth Track & Dream Team — The Great Commission that Jesus gave us was all about discipleship. We want people to go to Heaven, but we also want them fully equipped for their mission on earth. God has given us a strategic vision as a church that is a discipleship pipeline. Our desire is everyone who calls Coastline home will take a step and attend the Growth Track to find their place on the Dream Team, living out a life of discipleship.

Thank you for being part of the amazing things that God is doing here at Coastline. It's truly a privilege to pastor such a generous community of people. It's going to be a great year!


Aaron Jayne

Lead Pastor, Coastline Church